Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Intro to Blog 101

Welcome to the land of artistic reveries, my new blog about art and art-related things! (I know, so specific!)

The establishment of this blog is partly for school-related purposes. aka, I've been assigned to do it for my Illustration class. I say partly because I intend to take it beyond just class assignments. It will be my place for sharing my art, my ideas, and what I'm learning. To anyone who is saying, ''Why would I want to read about art?'', I have this to say: you don't have to know a lot about art to love it. HOWEVER... the more you know, the more you love it... I promise!

This year, I've been more engrossed in art than I ever have been, and that includes art history and art studio classes. Right now I'm taking Illustration for Publication, History of Non-Western Art, and History of Western Art II. Honestly, I can't get enough of these classes. I love all of them.

If you're wondering why anyone would blog about art, well, I think people learn by sharing. So if nothing else, then being able to write about what I'm learning will help me learn what I like, what I understand, what I don't understand, and what I hope to understand. And the plus side is, anyone who reads this can comment and give me feedback... who knows, you might even learn something as well!

Art encompasses a large portion of my life at the moment, so in summary, the heart of this blog is... life!

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