Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Art show!

Here is everyone's artwork from the show we just had at Higher Grounds:

*note: I would have LOVED to get closer and better pictures for the sake of the detail work in many of these pieces, but the light in the place + my camera would not allow it. Sorry!
*other (slightly funny) note: When Kayla hung her poem up beside my piece, I noticed that it was a LOT longer than the poem that I used. Then when she read it aloud, it was almost a completely different poem! But luckily, the lines I put from the poem onto my piece were lines that she kept the same - what a fortunate coincidence, I thought.


  1. I really enjoy the first one. Not just the piece itself, but your photograph as well. The lighting and the angle really relax me.

    Also, your piece was great. I love the architectural work you did!
