Sunday, April 11, 2010

In other news...

Less than a month left of school and SO many exciting things are happening! Where to start??

Okay, I'll start with the short term. This is going to be a great week for 3 reasons!

1) My Non-Western Art class is going on a trip to the Field Museum in Chicago this Tuesday to check out the African/Mesoamerican/Native American art
2) The poem/illustration exhibition at Higher Grounds Tuesday night
3) Trip to the River North art galleries in Chicago on Friday with my Illustration class

Yay for field trips to Chicago!

Also, my presentations for both my art history classes went extremely well! I got a 94-ish% on my Fra Angelico presentation for western art history and a 100% for my presentation on Buddhist sculpture in non-western art history.

Lastly, I've been officially accepted to the Art History Major (BA) at St. Cloud State University! I'm signing up for classes there within a couple weeks, too. I already have a few classes set up, including Baroque/Rococo art and European 19th century painting/sculpture. Tomorrow I find out if I made SCSU's Honors Program, which I adamantly hope I did. So I'm almost set and ready to go, I just need to figure out what I need for the Spanish major, too. Oh, and I'm also going to be an art minor. :)

I'll update again once I find out more about my classes and such. The next project I'm working on is called ''A Week in the Life''. We're making books about, well... a week in our lives. It can be past, present, future, or even made up. I have a good idea for mine, but I still need to start the sketches. I think it's due really soon, so I have a lot of work to do.

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