Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Field trip, sketchbook, more news

Yesterday was the field trip to the Field Museum in Chicago with my non-western art class. Here are a couple of my favorite photographs that I took that day:

As you can probably tell... I liked the dinosaurs the best. But the Ancient Americas exhibit was awesome, too, it was just harder to get good pictures because of the dim light.

Sadly, I haven't been very active with my sketchbook lately. The last major thing I did with it was the visual file project/scrapbook project for Illustration. Each of us were to hunt and gather images that we found appealing, then organize them into categories (eg. shape, color, emotion), and put them in a scrapbook. Instead of making a separate book, I just pasted mine into my sketchbook and wrote little notes about the images in the empty space that was left. Here are my favorite pages:

In other news, I got an email yesterday saying that I'd been accepted to the Honors program at St. Cloud! I've been waiting 3 weeks to hear, and I'm so excited about the news. That means I get to take my gen-eds through the Honors department, so classes are smaller and more hands-on. It'll be just like taking classes at Olivet in that sense.

What else is there to say but I think April is my favorite month. If not out of the whole year, then at least my favorite so far.

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